• News
  • In the Madaster network

We work on the circular future

As design professionals, we are committed to driving the shift toward a sustainable and circular construction industry. We are also guided by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's butterfly diagram. This shows the path to a circular economy in which materials and resources are kept in closed loops.

We integrate these valuable principles into our planning processes. For example, as part of our building certifications. How? Through a resource-conserving choice of materials that promotes reuse and upcycling materials as well as regional and sustainable raw materials. This means that even when a building is deconstructed or disposed of, certain building elements can be reused or sold with residual value. This therefore not only promotes sustainability, but also creates economic benefits for builders and investors.

Building certifications thus play a key role in steering the construction industry toward a circular economy. As pde, we are thus addressing the challenges of climate change and aim to build and drive a thriving circular construction industry. We would be happy to carry out the certification process for your building as well. Contact us.

We are Kennedy

Not John F., but active member and Kennedy pioneer at Madaster Austria.

Madaster is a platform that makes it possible to record and manage the materials used in buildings. Similar to the energy passport, a material passport is created that ensures complete transparency about the materials used in a building. What CO2 backpack does a building carry? What is built in, and how? How can I recycle or even sell the materials in the event of demolition?

The material composition and origin are stored. Not only of structural elements such as concrete, steel or wood, but also of furnishings and technical equipment. This makes it possible to document the material flows in buildings very precisely and to know the value of the resources. In this way, we create comparability between properties and also added value for building owners and investors.

We are proud to be part of the global network that will create a positive change for the entire industry. Some projects are already underway. We would be happy to create material passports for you as well.


We would be happy to carry out a certification or create a material passport for you.


Katrin Künzler_Sustainability Expert