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Structural design - mastering challenges and saving resources

Structural design is an important component of integrated planning. The focus is increasingly on identifying and implementing alternatives and solutions that are practical in terms of construction and conserve resources.

pde Integrale Planung covers the entire portfolio of structural design - from single foundations, geothermal projects to huge industrial projects. For 25 years now, the structural planning team in Graz has also been implementing around 300 planning projects per year with pioneering spirit and passion. Two of these are the Schlossbach viaduct between Bad Hofgastein and Anger and the Mayr-Melnhof cross laminated timber plant in Leoben.

Solution for scaffolding in rough terrain

pde was commissioned with the execution structural analysis and redesign of a falsework for the concreting of an edge beam in the area of the old railroad viaduct. The structural design team developed a direct assembly on the existing structure that did not have to be founded in the area of the steep terrain slopes. The falsework was designed in such a way that it could be built completely and in a resource-saving way using the existing materials of the executing company without having to buy in special materials.

Savings of € 2 million at Mayr-Melnhof's cross laminated timber plant in Leoben

Within the scope of the largest investment in the history of Mayr Melnhof, our structural engineering team was commissioned two years ago with the complete tender and execution structural analysis, including the preparation of a concept for soil improvement as well as soil mechanical monitoring.

Before the groundbreaking ceremony, the optimal planning of the foundation system had already saved around 12,000 linear meters of bored piles and thus around 2 million euros. A success - as was the entire cooperation with the client. Also from the point of view of Mayr-Melnhof's overall project management:

"The project handling with pde was characterized by a professional and cooperative partnership. Priority adjustments due to changing framework conditions were always counteracted with a great deal of commitment and full team effort. We would like to thank the entire team of pde Graz for their commitment during the project implementation."

After the construction phase, the cross laminated timber plant including a high-performance re-sorting and planing mill as well as a fully automated high-bay warehouse is now going into full operation.


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