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  • Circular construction industry

Expertise from cycle managers

In our expertise, it is important to us to drive the change towards a sustainable and circular construction industry. An important step in this process is the training of our pde employees to become circular managers in the construction industry. Four of our experts from the Sustainability and BIM departments have now successfully completed this training. Our warmest congratulations!

Picture of the cycle manager

With the newly acquired knowledge, we are deepening our expertise in this important area and can now advise all project participants even better on the topic of circular construction - and thus raise awareness of sustainable construction as a whole. After all, numerous measures need to be implemented in order to be fit for the future.

For example, the sustainable tendering and procurement of low-emission building products, the increased use of recycled materials and renewable raw materials, sustainable construction and the optimization of construction site processes to avoid construction waste, the promotion of timber construction and timber-hybrid projects, the consistent use of climate risk analyses, life cycle assessments, building simulations, structural optimizations as well as the evaluation and optimization of the circularity and ease of dismantling of projects as early as the planning and execution phase and much more.

Circular construction therefore already requires a rethink among all players in the planning and implementation process. Dies wird vorangetrieben durch die EU-Regularien, wie beispielsweise das Lieferkettengesetz oder auch die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung sowie der EU-Taxonomie-Verordnung. But also by national developments such as OIB Guideline 7, which is to be published by the Austrian Institute of Building Technology in the next few years.

The evaluation and optimization of recyclable construction is also being driven forward regionally, as the current one by the City of Vienna shows.

In any case, our experts are optimally prepared for all future challenges and will be happy to provide you with sustainable support for your project. Get in touch with us.